EC PPM Calculator

EC to PPM Calculator

Understanding EC and PPM in Hydroponics: A Practical Guide


EC PPM Calculator is a valuable tool and used in hydroponics, maintaining precise nutrient levels is paramount for optimal plant growth. Two essential metrics used to gauge these nutrient concentrations are Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Parts Per Million (PPM). In this article, we’ll delve into what EC and PPM represent, how they are measured, and the relationship between them. Additionally, we’ll provide a simple formula and demonstrate how to use it in converting EC to PPM.

Electrical Conductivity (EC)

Electrical Conductivity (EC) measures the ability of a solution to conduct electricity. In hydroponics, this property primarily stems from the dissolved mineral salts, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, in the nutrient solution. As the concentration of these salts increases, so does the EC.

EC is typically measured in units of microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm) or millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm). The higher the EC value, the greater the nutrient concentration in the solution.

Parts Per Million (PPM)

Parts Per Million (PPM) is a unit of measurement used to quantify the concentration of a substance in a solution. In hydroponics, PPM refers to the concentration of dissolved solids, including nutrients, minerals, and salts, in the nutrient solution. PPM indicates the number of parts of the solute per million parts of the solution.

PPM values can vary depending on the specific solutes present in the solution and the conversion factor used. In hydroponics, it’s common to express PPM in terms of total dissolved solids (TDS), which includes both essential nutrients and other dissolved substances.

The Relationship Between EC and PPM

There exists a direct correlation between EC and PPM in hydroponic solutions. This relationship allows growers to easily convert between the two units using a simple conversion factor. The conversion factor depends on various factors, including the types of ions present in the solution and their respective charges.

Converting EC to PPM: The Formula

The conversion formula from EC to PPM varies depending on the chosen conversion factor. In general, the formula can be expressed as:

PPM = EC × Conversion Factor

The most commonly used conversion factor in hydroponics is 500. Therefore, the simplified formula becomes:


By multiplying the EC value by 500, you can obtain the corresponding PPM value of the nutrient solution.

Wrapping it up

Maintaining optimal nutrient levels is crucial for the health and productivity of plants in hydroponic systems. EC and PPM serve as essential metrics for monitoring and adjusting nutrient concentrations. Understanding the relationship between EC and PPM, as well as how to convert between the two, empowers hydroponic growers to make informed decisions regarding nutrient management.

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