Arrhenius Equation Calculator 2 Temperatures

Arrhenius Equation Calculator

Understanding the Arrhenius Equation and Its Application to Calculate Rate Constants at Different Temperatures


Arrhenius Equation Calculator 2 Temperatures is a valuable tool, The Arrhenius equation is a fundamental formula used in chemistry to describe the temperature dependence of reaction rates. It provides insights into how varying temperatures affect the speed of chemical reactions. This article will explore the Arrhenius equation, explain its components, and demonstrate how to use it to calculate rate constants at two different temperatures.

The Arrhenius Equation

The Arrhenius equation is expressed as:



  • π‘˜ is the rate constant of the reaction.
  • 𝐴 is the pre-exponential factor (also known as the frequency factor), which represents the number of times that reactants approach the activation barrier per unit time.
  • πΈπ‘Žβ€‹ is the activation energy required for the reaction to occur (in Joules per mole).
  • 𝑅 is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/(molΒ·K)).
  • 𝑇 is the temperature in Kelvin.

Calculating Rate Constants at Two Different Temperatures

To understand the effect of temperature on the rate constant, let’s consider the Arrhenius equation for two different temperatures, 𝑇1T1​ and 𝑇2T2​. The rate constants at these temperatures, π‘˜1k1​ and π‘˜2k2​, can be calculated using the following steps:

  1. Identify the given parameters:
    • Pre-exponential factor (𝐴A).
    • Activation energy (πΈπ‘ŽEa​).
    • Temperature 𝑇1T1​.
    • Temperature 𝑇2T2​.
  2. Convert temperatures to Kelvin (if they are given in degrees Celsius): 𝑇(𝐾)=𝑇(°𝐢)+273.15T(K)=T(Β°C)+273.15
  3. Apply the Arrhenius equation for each temperature:
    • For 𝑇1T1​: π‘˜1=π΄β‹…π‘’βˆ’πΈπ‘Žπ‘…β‹…π‘‡1​​
    • For 𝑇2T2​: π‘˜2=π΄β‹…π‘’βˆ’πΈπ‘Žπ‘…β‹…π‘‡2​​
  4. Calculate the rate constants using the exponential function.

Example Calculation

Let’s go through an example to illustrate these steps. Suppose we have the following values:

  • Pre-exponential factor (𝐴): 1.5Γ—10131.5Γ—1013 sβˆ’1βˆ’1
  • Activation energy (πΈπ‘Žβ€‹): 75,000 J/mol
  • Temperature 𝑇1​: 300 K
  • Temperature 𝑇2​: 350 K

Step-by-Step Calculation:

  1. For 𝑇1T1​: π‘˜1=1.5Γ—1013β‹…π‘’βˆ’75,0008.314β‹…300 π‘˜1=1.5Γ—1013β‹…π‘’βˆ’30.08k1​=1.5Γ—1013β‹…eβˆ’30.08 π‘˜1β‰ˆ1.5Γ—1013β‹…9.62Γ—10βˆ’14β‰ˆ1.44
  2. For 𝑇2T2​: π‘˜2=1.5Γ—1013β‹…π‘’βˆ’75,0008.314β‹…350k2​=1.5Γ—1013β‹…eβˆ’8.314β‹…35075,000​ π‘˜2=1.5Γ—1013β‹…π‘’βˆ’25.93k2​=1.5Γ—1013β‹…eβˆ’25.93 π‘˜2β‰ˆ1.5Γ—1013β‹…5.18Γ—10βˆ’12k2β€‹β‰ˆ1.5Γ—1013β‹…5.18Γ—10βˆ’12 π‘˜2β‰ˆ7.77k2β€‹β‰ˆ7.77


  • The rate constant at 𝑇1=300T1​=300 K is approximately π‘˜1=1.44k1​=1.44 sβˆ’1βˆ’1.
  • The rate constant at 𝑇2=350T2​=350 K is approximately π‘˜2=7.77k2​=7.77 sβˆ’1βˆ’1.

Wrapping it up

The Arrhenius equation is a powerful tool for understanding the temperature dependence of reaction rates. By using this equation, chemists can predict how changing the temperature affects the speed of a chemical reaction. This knowledge is crucial in fields such as chemical engineering, materials science, and biochemistry,

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